Monday 7 May 2012

News Corner

Here are a few interesting articles I found on Japan, from around the web.

Quirky.  "Smart Budgie"

Technology.  Biometric palm reading ATM's.I
wonder if people can use hand prints or what are the security measures involved, I have seen
 some disturbing things in movies with eye scan security or thumb pad security.

Society. Parasite problem , it's not what you think!

Japan has shut down the last online nuclear reactor..and I still have electricity! I think it really shows
that Japan had some over capacity with 49  nuclear reactors offline and still the country functioning.
There must have been a lot of back room deals and favours to get many of them built in the first place.
I really hope Japan puts more effort into finding alternate sources of power generation,though it will take time, effort and a lot of money to move away from nuclear energy.


Look closely at this photo, above the draw handle on this kitchen cabinet. It says "Pain Village"

I think it was supposed to say "Pine" as the draws are wooden.

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