Wednesday 18 April 2012


Japanese Cherry Blossoms in Osaka.

Welcome to the first Osaka Candy Store blog. Here I hope to introduce to you Japanese candy chocolate and snacks, also to entertain with the occasional article and "Engrish" Japanese attempts at English photos.
In the future I hope to review cute Japanese items and other bits and pieces.

I know everybody has been waiting for me to release the first addition of the Candy Catalogue,well finally here it is.You can either click on this link:  or click on Candy Catalogue under Shipping options and Ordering on the right side of this blog under the heading Pages.

Orders will be processed from the 20th of April.

In the first addition there are 35 types of candy , chocolate and snacks. I think there is a something for everybody.Items will change monthly so don't expect to find everything you saw in the previous catalogue.
In Japan many products are only available for a short time and rotate in and out of production to keep the customer interested.

  I intend to expand the range to include other non food items including anime merchandise and other cute Japanese goods in the next catalogue.

Now I would like to introduce you to a few of the products in this months catalogue;

にぎにぎおすしやさん(nigi nigi o sushi ya san)

This cute little packet of sushi shaped gummy is a bit of fun.
There are 3 flavours inside .The base is peach flavoured and the top is either cherry or orange.
You can combine these to make Cherry peach or Orange and Peach flavours.

Bourbon Milk Arafort


Delicious milk chocolate on a biscuit base.They also come in white chocolate on a cocoa biscuit base and dark chocolate.These are very addictive and it is hard not to eat a whole packet in one sitting.
What I love about these is the ratio of chocolate to biscuit which definitely leans most generously in the chocolates favour.

うまい棒!Umai-bo (Yummy/delicious stick)

Cheese flavoured Umaibo meaning "Yummy or delicious Stick"Released first in July of 1979 are a very popular snack available in every convenience store or supermarket.
They have an approximate diameter of  2.6cm and a length of 11cm.It may vary slightly.
These are the best tasting cheese snack that I have tasted in Japan.There are many flavours of this snack ,some are limited to season or area while others are available all your round like these.Other weird flavours include takoyaki (burnt octopus) , pizza , natto (fermented soybean) , teriyaki , chocolate and many more.
I hope to introduce a few more less exotic flavours to the catalogue in the following months.

If you have any requests of particular flavours or types of snacks ,feel free to send me an email and ask.

Stay tuned for more reviews.

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