Friday 27 April 2012

Lunch Time Adventure

Today I thought I would go off topic and  share my dramatic lunch time experience from yesterday.
It was like watching action scenes unfold from Hollywood movies , before ones own eyes.

View from the cafe where I was having lunch.
Yesterday, I went to Lunch with my wife and in laws to a family restaurant called "Gusto" .
The meal started normally, we ordered, talked , waited  then food came and  we ate..but
so much for a peaceful lunch. Perhaps I will review the restaurant another time.

Outside the window of the cafe  a little van flipped on it's side after colliding with another car.
Then the Lady driver  from that  car got out charged over and commenced kicking in the windscreen of the flipped up van while yelling obscenities.She clearly was blaming the driver for the accident. We could see the driver still in the flipped up van standing up inside the van behind the relative safety of the windscreen.

Onlookers were not quite sure what to do , but we did see an eldery lady taken out of one car and other people trying to rescue the driver from the flipped up van while holding back the rather angry lady I mentioned previously.About 10 minutes after the crash the police , ambulances and fire brigade arrived.
 Ok so so far we have a crash with a flipped up car , and road rage plus heroic people rescuing crash victims...but wait there is still more.

 There was a unrelated fire 20 metres down the road. I assume from somebody flicking cigarette butts.
If you look at the first picture you may have noticed it was a bit hazy in the background..that later developed into full on flames..which I could not photograph.

Well that was my lunch yesterday ; Car crash  + road rage + rescue + unrelated fire.

 Stay tuned for 1st of May's blog.I will announce a bulk candy sale offer that is not to be missed.

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